Monday, July 14, 2008

Poll Shows Lebanese Divided on Definition of "the Cause"

Beirut, Lebanon: A recent poll conducted by Pivazistan shows that the people of Lebanon are deeply divided and confused over a phrase that has been overused by the country's population since 1975, al-adiyeh (the cause). The first question asked the participants what the most important thing is to Lebanon, 100% of the voters answered that "the cause" is the most important thing to them, laving the other options blank which included the flag, the cedars, the memory of Bachir Gemayel and God. The second question asked the pollsters to define "the cause," and the results were as follows:

A: Shab'a Farms, 11%
B: The Christianhood of Lebanon: 11%
C: The Arabness of Lebanon: 9%
D: The assassination of Sheikh Bachir Gemayel: 8%
E: The disappearance of Musa al-Sadr: 5%
F: The Palestinian question: 12%
G: The Palestinian answer: 12%
H: Right of citizenship to Palestinians: 3%
I: Recognition of other Arabs as human beings: 8%
J: National reconciliation: 7%
K: Communal Reconciliation: 14%
M: I don't know: 0%

The next question asked the participants who they thought Lebanon's number one enemy was, the answers again did not yield a national consensus:

A: Syria: 13%
B: Iran: 8%
C: Israel: 6%
E: Saudi Arabia: 12%
F: Haifa Wehbi: 3%
G: Sa'ad al-Hariri: 9%
I: Hassan Nassrallah: 9%
J: Michel Aoun: 10%
K: The assassinated leaders of Lebanon: 10%
L: All of the above: 10%
M: I don't know: 0%
