London, UK: While Londoners and others suffer as oil prices skyrocket, London's yearly summer visitors from the Gulf are experiencing great pains due to the difficult economic situation. Abu Ahmed, a husband of 3 and father of 5, took the time out of his busy schedule to meet Pivazistan's London correspondent, William Bernard III, at a cafe in Knightsbridge.
Below if the transcript of the interview:
Bernard: Thank you for taking the time to meet with us, sir. Kindly introduce yourself.
Abu Ahmed: I am Abu Ahmed and I work in the oil industry. Every summer I leave my family in Saudi Arabia to escape the heat and spend some time here in London.
Bernard: How are rising oil prices affecting you?
Abu Ahmed: Well, we are all rich due to rising oil prices!
Bernard: So why do you sound disappointed?
Abu Ahmed: Well, you see everyone in my industry is rich and they are all here for the summer. So imagine how high the prices are for underage prostitutes!
Bernard: I never thought of that!
Abu Ahmed: You complain of the cost of petrol, but your burden is nothing compared to having to pay double for 3 hours with a 16 year old Morrocan on a lonely Wednesday night!
Bernard: I never realized that rising oil prices are more tragic for the oil executives themselves than they are for the common London commuter. Thank you for this unique insight into the daily struggle that is your life.
Abu Ahmed's statements were echoed by many other visitors from the Gulf, including Nawaf, an irate Qatari in his mid-20's who was deep into his third double scotch in the lobby of the Dorchester Hotel. Speaking to our correspondent, Nawaf said, "The fucking price of cocaine is through the roof these days!"