Amazing Arabs
Sheikh Yussif al-Qaradhawi is God's spokesperson on earth. Heavily influenced by one of the most liberal and progressive human beings to ever drink water from the Nile, Sheikh Hassanal-Banna, al-Qaradai touches the hearts of millions and messes with the minds of millions more on a weekly basis through the popular al-Jazeera TV show, al-Shari'a wa al-Hayat. al-Jazeera provides for the senior scholar a forum through which he shares his wisdom and love with the best and the brightest of earth, the Arab masses.
al-Qaradawi's love for his people makes the pope look like a sissy, the Dali Lama like an inept, useless fatso. In al-Qaradawi's mind, suicide is permitted by Islam if the action involves killing Jews and Christians (and hey a few hundred Shi'a bodies never hurt anyone either). Contrary to popular belief, al-Qaradawi is not opposed to criticism and when he makes a mistake, he has no problem reversing his position. For example when the brave Jihadists of Taliban destroyed the Budha idols back in 2001, he initially condemned the action but quickly thereafter had a change of heart and praised the sophisticatedly tolerant operation.
In Sheikh Qaradawi's loving heart, the presence of the American troops in Iraq needs to be combated by the blood of all Muslims (except his immediate family members), and so by that logic, all Americans, military personnel and civilians should b treated as targets.
In the post September 11 world where the West and Islam are engaged in a civilizational clash, we have one of the most eloquent human beings representing us, a man of more virtues than 100 Dali Lamas combined, we have our own, loving, tolerant, progressive, democracy-advocating Sheikh Yussif al-Qaradawi. Sir, congratulations, you're an amazing Arab!