Amazing Arabs
Colonel Omar Hasan al-Bashir has been the President of the Republic of Sudan since 1989 and while there were no elections at the time of the power seizure, it was rightly assumed by al-Bashir that the people of Sudan would have voted for him anyway. When al-Bashir's mother conceived him in 1944, there was no state called Sudan, instead it was part of Egypt which was part of Britain, so for all practical purposes, al-Bashir is an Egyptian or a Brit for that matter.
It is perhaps the Egyptian in al-Bashir that makes him so supportive of democracy. But nothing makes al-Bashir an amazing Arab more than the fact that he is a man who does not care about what the world says. When even the half a state of Afghanistan would not harbor Osama Bin Lade, al-Bashir welcomed him with open arms. At the height of genocide awareness and genocide prevention, he wanted to become the first initiator of a genocide in the 21st century so he started one in Darfur.
al-Bashir is one of those people who thinks that conflict defines individuals and enhances their character and that is precisely why he started the Darfur conflict at a time when the Sudanese Civil War was barely over.
Sudan is rich in honor but poor in natural resources so its economy has been suffering, but under al-Bashir's leadership, as many as 500,000 Sudanese people from Darfur will not have to worry about finding jobs or providing for their kids as they were taken care of by the Janjaweed, the protectors of Arab honor.
Colonel Omar al-Bashir, I personally salute you, you are an amazing Arab!