Pivazistan's Tehran correspondent (he's in the states to renew his green card) met with the Lebanese American author and journalist, Brigitte Gabriel to discuss her book, "Because They Hate, A Survivor of Muslim Terror Warns America." Below is the uncut transcript of the interview:
Pivazistan: Ms. Gabriel, thank you for taking the time to be interviewed, it's very nice to have you.
Brigitte Gabriel: Thanks
P: Before we get to your book, I just want to say that all of us at Pivazistan admire the work you do over at the American Congress for Truth, and by the way the name is so fitting since the founder is such an angelic agendaless truth teller.
BG: You made me blush
P: You spent seven years in a bomb shelter yet went on to become an eleqouent writer and speaker, where do you get the inspiration, most people in your situation would have long committed suicide?
BG: I am still very much traumatized, but the hope, the dream of living on day to see all of Lebanon coming under Israeli control keeps me alive.
P: Your book is now required reading at the Pentagon, rightly so since it warns the West of coming mega attacks, what makes you think that these mega attacks are inevitable?
BG: Just because
P: Okay, what in your opinion is the root cause of terrorism?
BG: Muhammad
P: Peace be upon him.
BG: Yup
P: Aside from the obvious (Ariel Sharon, Sa'ad Haddad, Pierre Gemayel), who are some of your heroes?
BG: Those are pretty much it.
P: Brigitte, thank you again for your time, please sign a copy for my boss, Ashraf (A, like Abu Arz, S, like Sharon, H, like Haifa, R, like Ramallah, A, like Abu Arz and F, like Frangieh)
BG: R like what? [she giggles]
P: Like Russia.