New York, USA: Pivazistan's New York correspondent interviewed Mr. Aram Rostom, the author of a new book called, "The Man Who Pushed America to War: The Extraordinary Life, Adventures and Obsessions of Ahmad Chalabi." Below is the transcript of the interview, uncut:
Pivazistan: Mr. Rostom, thank you very much for your time, we're pleased to have you.
Aram Rostom: You bet.
P: I have to tell you, this book of yours is such an amazing work, I mean you wrote the biography of Ahmad Chaabi even though he refused to speak to you or grant you so much as five minutes of his time. Congratulations!
AR: Thanks buddy.
P: Why does Ahmad Chalabi move nerves in US circles?
AR: Well it's simple really, Ahmad Chalabi is an Arab and a Muslim and most Americans, when thinking of Arabs and Muslims, they think of cab drivers and not lobbyists.
P: So basically Americans are upset over the fact that a sand-nigger was able to convince a WASP to go to war?
AR: I wouldn't put it that way, I would say they are upset that a sand-nigger convinced an American to go to war.
P: Okay, sorry an American. Now on to the book itself, I think that this places you among the top of Middle East experts, are you thinking of learning Arabic?
AR: Thank you, it does make me an expert on the Middle East and particularly Iraq, as for learning Arabic, I think I already know enough, "a'salam alayjum" [he giggles]
P: An Arab reviewer of your book told us that you had not used any Arabic sources for the book, what is your response to that?
AR: Well sir, you said it best, "an Arab," I think it's time for Arabs to realize that we know their history much better than them.
P: Sure but there are some who may accuse you of being an Orientalist, not that you are.
AR: What's an "Orientalist?"
P: Never mind. Mr. Rostom, once again thank you for your time and please sign this copy for my boss [it is spelled A like America, S like Sri Lanka, H like Henry VIII, R like Red Sox, A like America and F like France]