Amazing Arabs
Etienne Caesar Saqr, known to the people of Lebanon simply as "Abu Arz," [father of of the cedars] is the leader of a marvelous right-wing political party called, "the Guardians of the Cedars." During the Lebanese Civil War, he developed a deep love for Christian Lebanon, a love that made the likes of Pierre Gemayel blush out of envy.
Abu Arz is not your typical human being, he is a genius, when the Palestinian Liberation Organization entered Lebanon, he immediately discovered the reason for their presence there: Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States had given Yassir Arafat billions of dollars to drive the Christians out of Lebanon and settle Palestinians there. To this grave problem which made even Jesus of Nazareth upset, Abu Arz had a perfect solution, he proposed the extermination of all Palestinian people through a national movement where every Lebanese person's duty was to kill one Palestinian person!
Abu Arz is unfortunately alive to witness the worst of his nightmares, a Lebanon where Saudi Arabia and Iran fight over control of Lebanese political leaders, a Lebanon where Maronites have become a minority, a Lebanon whose Palestinian refugees are alive, albeit humiliatingly so.
Abu Arz, I know you don't want to be called an Arab, but you're not just an Arab, you're an amazing Arab!