Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Welcome to Pivazistan

Welcome to the only site on the face of this earth that will forever keep you entertained and informed. This site is the electronic version of a newspaper that has been in and out of print since 1824 under the name, "Pivazistan."

It is here where you will experience what ordinary Middle Eastern outlets do not and cannot offer to you: exclusive overage, inside information and of course LOLish wit.

I, along with a team of well-paid, well-connected correspondents from around the globe will constantly strive to bring you what al-Jazeera cannot bring you, what al-Hayat is too cowardly to bring you, what CNN and NYTimes are too ifnorant to bring you, the truth (in all of its absurd versions) from the heart of the heart of the Middle East (wherever that may be).

Enjoy your stay here and do get addicted to our site.

Ashraf al-Halabi
Chief Editor